Habitat Consulting and Wildlife Management.
Whether you're growing timber for revenue, wildlife, or both, we can develop a plan to help you get the most from your piece of property.

Timber Stand Improvements
Hack and Squirt: Remove undesirable species from beneficial trees by these simple, effective and inexpensive methods.
Prescribe burning: A tool that was once used by Native Americans for years. Remove competition while releasing beneficial herbaceous plants in your timber stands.
Herbaceous weed control: This is a necessary tool to control competition within your recently planted areas of seedlings.
Forestry mowing: An efficient and environmentally friendly way to establish fire brakes, shooting lanes, and remove undesirable vegetation.
Thinning: Generate revenue off of your merchantable timber and release the remaining growing stock.

Forest Design and Layout
Surveying: Knowing your property lines and boundaries protects you and your neighbors.
Site preparation: Preparation is key to ultimate success. We know the proper steps to help you accomplish long-term survival.
Tree planting: The quality of planting is an important part of the equation. Tree depth and site placement are just a couple factors to equal success.
Road implementation: Strategically build roads for easy access, privacy, and minimal wildlife disruption.

Monetary Evaluations and Harvest Scheduling
Timber cruising: It’s important to know what’s out there! An estimate of your timber value can be matched with the current market to make important decisions in helping you generate the most revenue possible.
Timber marking: Marking boundary lines and timber to be cut leads to accuracy and quality.