Habitat Consulting and Wildlife Management.
All Services
These services are broad and can be incorporated into the Forestry, Wildlife, and Environmental services:
Consulting: Let us listen to your dreams and help make them reality for you and your family. We can connect you with a network of professionals that can help you achieve your goals and objectives.
Arcview GIS mapping: Receive the latest updated map imagery with your property edited and carved out the way you envision it.
Management plans: We gather your goals and objectives to formulate a strategic plan of attack on your property. These plans cover strategies to reduce your operating cost to maintenance and monitoring schedules.
Enrollment in government cost/share programs: Our team understands programs and processes that helps you receive incentives for your management practices.
GPS: Accurate data, locations, and acreages can lead to efficiency and quality.


Erosion/Wetlands - Protect and Preserve
Streamside bank stabilization: Let us help you reduce the sediment lost on your water's edge. Our designs using tree and plant species with a dense fibrous root system will restore you bank to its natural setting.
Water runoff filtration with native plants: Using native plants along creeks, ditches, or any other areas of water movement can serve as filtration systems while improving habitat and reducing the amount of sediment loss.
Hydro-seeding: An environmentally friendly way to restore and re-vegetate a steep slope or areas with a high risk of equipment disturbance.
Re-vegetation methods: Restoration is our specialty! Whether you’re re-vegetating a past mining operation or new construction site, our eye and expertise can help you.
Wetland delineation: Protecting and preserving wetlands are on the top of our list. An accurate delineation can identify and help you protect these areas. Our experts identify these areas by analyzing the habitat through soil profiles and plant species present.
Botany - Go green
Native landscaping: Whether your landscaping around your cabin or the entranceway to your property, give you guest a unique offering of a natural setting. We connect aesthetics to your site requirements to offer a niche on your piece of ground.
Native grass implementation and management: Native grasses not only offer quality habitat for many species of wildlife, but they’re root systems can be used for erosion control.
Invasive species control: Invasive species are known for outcompeting beneficial vegetation, which can ultimately affect your goals and objectives.
Species I.D.: We got this one covered! Let us “filter” our way through the woods with you to show you what’s really out there. We can promise you that your wildlife already know.
Nature trail design and implementation: Everyone enjoys the peace and relaxation of nature’s finest. Our team connects your property with topographic maps, access points, low maintenance and wildlife preferred areas to increase your properties potential.
Educational plaque’s: Have you ever wondered what a cypress knee, or vines are really used for…..these plaques can help educate folks from all ages on the truth about nature.


Timber Stand Improvements - Continuous Development
Hack and Squirt: Remove undesirable species from beneficial trees by these simple, effective and inexpensive methods.
Prescribe burning: A tool that was once used by Native Americans for years. Remove competition while releasing beneficial herbaceous plants in your timber stands.
Herbaceous weed control: This is a necessary tool to control competition within your recently planted areas of seedlings.
Forestry mowing: An efficient and environmentally friendly way to establish fire brakes, shooting lanes, and remove undesirable vegetation.
Thinning: Generate revenue off your merchantable timber and release the remaining growing stock.
Design and Layout - It’s your property, carve it out the way you want to create a sustainable yield.
Surveying: Knowing your property lines and boundaries protects you and your neighbors.
Site preparation: Preparation is key to ultimate success. We know the proper steps to help you accomplish long-term survival.
Tree planting: The quality of planting is an important part of the equation. Tree depth and site placement are just a couple factors to equal success.
Road implementation: Strategically build roads for easy access, privacy, and minimal wildlife disruption.

Monetary Evaluations and Harvest Scheduling - Gather the most out of your timber stand while planning for the future.
Timber Cruising: It’s important to know what’s out there! An estimate of your timber value can be matched with the current market to make important decisions in helping you generate the most revenue possible.
Timber marking: Marking boundary lines and timber to be cut leads to accuracy and quality.

Wildlife Management.

Game Species - Improve recreational value and hunting opportunities on your piece of ground.
Food Plot Design and Implementation: This is a great opportunity to paint a blank canvas of how your wildlife prefers it. We know what wildlife look for and depend on; initial setup can lead to long-term success.
>Deer food plots
>Turkey plots
>Dove Fields
Electro-fishing surveys: Monitoring and Evaluating your pond/lake status can help you determine species present, population density, liming/fertilization requirements, and a prescription to your goals.
Game camera surveys: The best eyes in the woods. Game cameras can be there when you can’t. A proper survey can tell you buck to doe ratio, age structure, population density, and even a presence of nuisance species (feral hogs, bobcats, coyotes).
Strategic camera, stand, and feeder placement: Placing these in areas that have the highest wildlife density while providing hunting opportunities is what we can help you with.
Trapping: A critical method in managing your habitat. Timing and process is key.
Electric fencing-protect your food plots from undesirable species such as feral hogs while maximizing the potential for desirables.
Professional hunting guide services: A professional guide can make the hunt more enjoyable, memorable, and successful for your clients/guest. We offer a safe service backed with years of expertise in hunting skills.
Enclosure installation and management: A properly managed enclosure can be very rewarding. The initial establishment and layout is what can help determine your early success.
Wood duck box strategic placement and installation: Think outside the box! Placing these boxes in areas that wood ducks prefer and reducing predation can improve the wood duck population on your piece of ground.
Waterfowl management:
* Green tree reservoirs
* Impoundments
Habitat Improvements - Wildlife is a bi-product of their habitat. Quality habitat equals healthier wildlife.
Wildlife preferred tree planting: Hard and soft mast are a natural way to draw in the critters!
Custom grafting: We can help you improve the niche in species offered to your wildlife. Heavy mast production and preserving those special trees on your property is our goal.
Invasive species control: Don’t let these species get the best of you and your wildlife. Identifying and controlling these species is highly valuable.
Hack and squirt: Release the beneficial trees that your wildlife prefer.
Hinge-cutting: This method creates travel corridors and improves bedding/nesting areas.
Prescribe burning: Improve wildlife habitat through scarifying seeds to promote herbaceous plants.
Forestry mowing: carving out areas for shooting lanes, secondary roads, and wildlife travel areas is a cutting edge technique.
Native grass implementation and management: These offer bedding/nesting/brooding/and escape areas for wildlife.
Tree and plant I.D.: It’s important to know what’s on your property and enhancements that should be made.
Visual barriers: Reduce the pressure for your wildlife and property lines by using evergreen and tall vegetation.

Nongame Species.
Bat box installation: Help improve the habitat and roosting areas for multiple species of bats.
Song bird box installation: This can add to the aesthetics and improve the habitat.
Pollinator habitat: A huge value in aesthetics and habitat for birds, bees, and butterflies.
Reptile and amphibians: These guys have habitat requirements too. We know the management techniques to enhance these offerings.